Mosquito's Favorite Body Features

Lately you're always surrounded by mosquitoe even when the room and the house is clean? Maybe the trigger is your own body. There are five causes why mosquitoe love to approach and target your blood.
1. Dark Color

According to Grayson Brown, PhD. mosquitoe evolved to hunt mammals that were furry and dark in color. It's proved during field trials, workers in Brown labs who wore white uniforms or other bright colors were rarely approached by mosquitoe.

2. Floral scent

Mosquitoe also love to consume nectar on flower. Nectar will give it energy to fly and sting. So if you use flower-scented perfumes, the mosquito will stick to it because it thinks you are the source of the nectar. 

3. Beer

Research in France shows that beer drinkers attract more mosquitoe than those who do not drink beer. That's because alcohol affects the smell of breath and body odor.  

4. Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are preferred by mosquitoe, it is because in the final stages of pregnancy the volume of exhalation is 21 percent higher. When exhaling, that will create humidity and this is very preferred by mosquito. Pregnant women also tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which makes mosquitoe more easily detect.

5. Stay up at Night

Female mosquitoe are active at night to hunt blood. That's because the blood in the middle night contains the protein needed for the development of mosquito eggs. In a way, female mosquitoe suck your blood to keep the species alive. So do not be surprised if at night, the female mosquitoe swarm because it requires protein in your blood.

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